Changing Diabetes® Policy Round Table
Diabetes is a chronic disorder associated with long-term complications. It poses high economic burden to individuals, families, state governments and the entire nation and is a serious threat to the achievement of development goals. The Changing Diabetes® Policy round table initiative is part of Novo Nordisk Education Foundation commitment to facilitate a national response to the escalating diabetes pandemic. It brings together key stakeholder groups to drive change and bring focus to move diabetes up the public health agenda.
Partnering for Changing Diabetes® through innovative and sustainable solutions to improve quality of life, productivity and growth of the nation.
Encouraging commitment to the national action plan for Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets on diabetes prevention, early detection and care.
The Changing Diabetes® Policy Round Table is a unique initiative for the common cause of diabetes, that intends to create a platform to discuss, strategise and support key stakeholders and policy makers to tackle the challenges of:
Awareness: Information, insights and understanding
Capacity Building: Building Capacity and infrastructure
Treatment: Ensuring best quality of care for people with diabetes
Need to address this public health emergency:
To tackle this mounting crisis, the key necessities are:
Early detection, diagnosis and management
A collaborative approach involving a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) with government, corporates, academia and patient groups
Policies that ensure improved outcome for people with diabetes through better access to quality care under universal health coverage
We must build on these and turn policy into action by outlining concrete initiatives which can form part of National Diabetes Programmes to improve the lives of people with diabetes
A pledge against,” diabetes - an emergency in slow motion” to create a successful roadmap to changing diabetes across the nation
Expected outcomes:
Declaration on Diabetes as a road map on diabetes care based on collective inputs from the forum.
Demonstrate the need for investing on awareness, early detection, prevention and better quality of care through building capacity to reduce overall healthcare spending, improve public health and help spur socio-economic growth.
Inspiration from better practices in the area of diabetes care as a model for chronic disease management.
Focus on the unmet needs in diabetes care of poor, paediatric and pregnant population through an inclusive approach.
On 28 February 2015, Government of Madhya Pradesh in association with Novo Nordisk Education Foundation (NNEF) organized the first State Round Table Meeting on Changing Diabetes® in the state. State Round Table meeting on Changing Diabetes® is a unique initiative for the common cause of “Diabetes” that intends to create a platform to discuss, strategize and support the key stakeholders and policy makers to tackle the challenges of :
Awareness: Information, insights and understanding
Capacity Building: Building Capacity and infrastructure
Treatment: Ensuring best quality of care for people with diabetes
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Novo Nordisk Education Foundation with its mission in Changing Diabetes® organized a State Round Table along with State Health Society, Government of Bihar at Patna on 17 April, 2015. The objective of this State Round Table was to: Sensitize the policy makers and various stakeholders about the high impact of diabetes on an individual, the family, the community and the country as a whole Diabetes is kept on the top healthcare agenda of the state.
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Government of Gujarat with support of Novo Nordisk Education Foundation organised a proactive initiative to ACT against diabetes which kicked off with a Changing Diabetes® State Round Table Meet-Gujarat at Ahmedabad on 30 July 2015.
Awareness: Information, insights and understanding
Capacity Building: Building Capacity and infrastructure
Treatment: Ensuring best quality of care for people with diabetes
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The Changing Diabetes® State Round table meet was successfully conducted at Puducherry on 10th Sepetember 2015.
Awareness: Information, insights and understanding
Capacity Building: Building Capacity and infrastructure
Treatment: Ensuring best quality of care for people with diabetes
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Government of Odisha with support of Novo Nordisk Education Foundation organised a proactive initiative to ACT against diabetes which kicked off with a Changing Diabetes® State Round Table Meet on 17 October 2015.
Awareness: Information, insights and understanding
Capacity Building: Building Capacity and infrastructure
Treatment: Ensuring best quality of care for people with diabetes
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