Myth and facts about insulin

Myths Facts
Insulin means I am a failure Needing insulin does not mean that you have failed to manage your diabetes well. Because type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease, eventually your pancreas is just not able to keep up with your body‘s need for insulin no matter what you have done to manage your diabetes. When other medicines no longer keep your blood glucose on target, insulin is often the next logical step for treating diabetes.
Isulin does not work Although many people think of diabetes as 'sugar' problem, actually diabetes is an insulin problem.The insulins used today are very similar to the insulin that your body naturally makes.In fact,insulin is the best way to lower your blood glucose.
Insulin causes complications or death The belief that insulin causes complications or death often comes from seeing what happened in the past to your family members or friends with diabetes. Although it can be hard to get past your fear,in fact, it is more likely that insulin might have delayed or even prevented  these compiications if it had been started earlier.
Insulin causes weight gain It is true that some people with diabetes who begin insulin gain weight. Insulin helps your body use food more efficiently.
Insulin injections are painful Although no one likes shots, most people are surprised by how little an insulin injection hurts. Insulin does not "sting" going in, and the needles are very small and thin. Most people find that it is less painful than a finger stick to monitor their blood glucose level.
Insulin causes hypoglycaemia Insulin may cause low blood glucose levels. Mis-match in the timing or over dose of diabetes medicine to a person's daily schedule, skipping meals,overdoing exercise activities ould result in hypoglycaemia. Ask your doctor how you can prevent and treat low blood  glucose (hypoglycaemia).
Insulin is addictive You cannot get addicted to insulin. Insulin is a natural substance your body needs. If you are concerned that people who may see you taking your insulin shot in a public place will think you are using illegal drugs,ask your treating doctor if an insulin pen would work for you.
Insulin means that my life will change Many people believe that once they start insulin, they can no longer be independent, live alone, travel,or eat away from home. None of these are true. With planning,there is no reason why you cannot do everything you did before. Ask your doctor for a referral to a diabetes educator who can help you fit insulin into your life. Actually, many people find that their lives do change with insulin - for the better. They have more energy, more flexibility in their schedule and feel more positive about themselves. After starting insulin, many people wonder why they waited so long to feel better.

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1. Estimated from IDF 7th Atlas 2015
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